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Sponsors of FIV2022 edition


"Kvarøy Fiskeoppdrett was founded in 1976 by Alf Olsen and his son Geir. Their knowledge and respect for the ocean is now being passed forward by the whole team at Kvarøy Fiskeoppdrett. Today we aim to be the most responsible food supplier there is, based on the core concept established by our forefathers: Offering salmon of very high quality, without compromising either the environment or the welfare of our fish.”

«Kvarøy Fiskeoppdrett ble grunnlagt i 1976 av Alf Olsen, og hans sønn Geir. Deres respekt og kunnskap om havet føres nå videre av hele teamet i Kvarøy Fiskeoppdrett. I dag jobber vi for å være den mest bærekraftige produsenten av mat i verden, basert på våre forfedres kjerneverdier: Å tilby laks av svært høy kvalitet, uten at det går ut over verken miljøet eller fiskens velferd.»


The Research Council of Norway is a government agency that funds research and innovation projects.
The Research Council is responsible for promoting basic and applied research and innovation.


The Tromsø Research Foundation (TFS) was created by Trond Mohn on March 28th, 2007. The foundation aims to provide funding and support for long-term research and research-promoting activities, including research-based recruitment at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. The foundation also supports comparable activities at other institutions in the country that are actively cooperating with UiT.

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